Is it a coat? Is it a cardigan? One thing we know for certain is that Amanda Walker's slip-on garment looks stunning in this textured bouclé fabric. With no buttonholes required, this is a great introduction for coat-making newbies, requiring just basic stitching techniques along with overlocking or zig zag stitch to neaten the seams. You could always make a waist tie to fasten it from any leftover fabric.
1 Download and print the templates at /templates. Check your bust and hip measurement against the pattern to ensure that it will fit you, adjusting if necessary. Cut out all of the pieces according to the cutting guide.
2 Overlock or zig zag stitch the top part of the pockets, turn over along the fold line and stitch down the corner that will sit nearest to the centre front of the coat on both. Trim any bulk from the corners, then turn the pocket facings back to the wrong side. Set your sewing machine to a larger stitch and sew a row along the seam line, 1cm away from the cut edge.
3 Pull the threads of the stitching line up slightly to help the edge of the pockets roll over to the wrong side in a consistent line, and form a smooth curve to the base corners. When happy that the seam allowance is folding back neatly, press the edge of the fold. Posi